A significant change in personal customer sales was made in Turva in spring 2019. The aim was to renew and clarify operations and increase sales. In the change, the operating model of sales was reformed, some managers changed and retail and corporate sales were differentiated. The scale of the change as an organisation of nearly 200 salespeople and the need to renew operating models was so great that they wanted to make use of outside help to ensure their success. Minna Valonen from CC Valonen and Jaakko Lintunen from Kasvupuoti (https://www.kasvupuoti.fi/) assisted Turva with this change.

External assistance was utilised in workshop facilitation, sales and management coaching, and as a long-term and goal-oriented individual coaching process for all the managers in change.

“In the reorganisation of retail sales, a large number of key personnel had to take over a new position in a relatively short time. This was achieved beyond expectations, and sales targets were also achieved within the originally set timeframe. It was a very good solution to use two external experts to support the change. We are very pleased with the ability of Minna and Jaakko to help in a change situation, to highlight the right issues and to support their managers in implementing the reform. We can recommend them for change projects,” says Ville Raunio, Managing Director of Turva.

– Ville Raunio, President and CEO, Mutual Insurance Company Turva, Change Support 2019-2020