New manager training

For which situation

The new manager, especially someone who will become the manager of the colleagues of the team, needs information and support to successfully understand and function in a new role, even in challenging management situations.

What it contains

Individual manager onboarding includes six individual meetings (each 1-1.5 hours), which deal with mutually agreed management work topics. The objectives of the process will be agreed upon in a tripartite cooperation and, at the end of the process, the evaluation will also be carried out in a tripartite cooperation.

The manager to be trained also has the support of a trainer available between appointments. The process takes about 5-6 months. In defining the objectives of the executive training, personal assessment can be used, if one is available. In this training entity, coaching methods are also utilised.

The content will be defined in a tripartite cooperation. Example content:

  • the role and responsibilities of the manager
  • team and individual leadership
  • setting objectives and monitoring them
  • challenging management situations

A new team and old troubles. The new manager needs support even if experience of managerial work has already been accumulated.

I recommend individual managerial training. I benefited much more from this than from any group managerial training.


+358 50 540 2530