Leadership Assistance

Need leadership assistance? We have you covered! Whether it is about developing leadership or everyday management challenges Contact us and we will solve the challenges together!

Leadership development is the development of management practices, processes and tools as well as management-related competencies. Management methods include strategy implementation, annual wheels of the management, management roles and tasks, leadership goal setting and many everyday management practices. Managerial expertise development includes individual or group coaching and leadership training on different themes, development discussions, development of management team work, change competence and ability to change, i.e. resilience development.

CC Valonen assists with leadership development with different themes. We can also tailor a personalised proposal for you, so please contact us!

Leadership Development

Effect of leadership has a significant impact on performance. However, the role of leadership and managerial work in achieving goals is often overlooked.

Management Team Work

The need to develop executive management team work is particularly evident in connection with personnel changes, organisational changes or significant changes related to business operations.

New Manager

The new manager, especially someone who will become the manager of the colleagues of the team, needs information and support to successfully understand and function in a new role, even in challenging management situations.

Coaching Management Style

Do you need new energy to lead? Is it time to ensure that staff have the opportunity to grow and realise their full potential? Coaching management style is about seeing the potential and supporting development and growth.


Adapting and adjusting to continuous challenges, both at work and outside work, requires energy and resources. Resilience, or ability to change, is becoming an indispensable civic skill for all.

Management Training

Do you have development talks coming? Do you need clarity to set targets? Or are there problems in managing challenging situations and managing performance?

Minna has strong experience of strategic changes and employee involvement in them.

A challenging management situation, call us and we'll solve it together!


+358 50 540 2530