New manager training

The new manager, especially someone who will become the manager of the colleagues of the team, needs information and support to successfully understand and function in a new role, even in challenging management situations.

Development of management team work

Successful management team work is a combination of clarity of the role and tasks, good practices and strong dynamics based on trust and cooperation.


The post-reorganisation period is challenging, especially when activities are close together and there is a significant need for integration. How to get the new joint activity and culture built in the best possible way?


Adapting and adjusting to continuous challenges, both at work and outside work, requires energy and resources. Resilience, or ability to change, is becoming an indispensable civic skill for all.

Minna has strong experience of strategic changes and employee involvement in them. With the help of Minna, our management team got off to a good start with how we can use modern and good-thinking tools to involve all the personnel in the planning and building of LSK’s future. I’m sure we’ll continue to work with Minna.

-Perttu Ryynänen, CEO, LSK Group Oy, 2019

”In the reorganisation of retail sales, a large number of key personnel had to take over a new position in a relatively short time. This was achieved beyond expectations, and sales targets were also achieved within the originally set timeframe. It was a very good solution to use two external experts to support the change. We are very pleased with the ability of Minna and Jaakko to help in a change situation, to highlight the right issues and to support their managers in implementing the reform. We can recommend them for change projects,” says Ville Raunio, Managing Director of Turva.

– Ville Raunio, President and CEO, Mutual Insurance Company Turva, Change Support 2019-2020

I have worked with Minna in a very challenging project of re-organizing and developing the commercial functions of a large media company. I was the business owner and Minna was the Change Director. Never in my career have I received such professionally competent and dedicated help from a partner. Minna is highly skilled in planning and executing the process of putting through an organizational change project. She is diligent and hard working. Just the kind of sparring partner I needed.

– Jaakko Lintunen, Commercial Director, Keskisuomalanen Oyj, 2017

Collaboration with Minna has been invaluable to us as an organisation. At last, there is an active person available who can help and guide you in matters that are not at all unambiguous. Working on a personal level has also been pleasant and rewarding! I have also received valuable guidance for leadership in challenging situations. Each organisational leader should have their own Minna via regular meetings and phone calls. It makes the work lighter and more straightforward, and allows for a more sensible use of time.
Thank you very much, Minna!

– Jaana Hirsikangas, Executive Director, UN Women Finland, 2021

Minna is an effective coach. She is wise and good at observing both people and things. I warmly recommend Minna to anyone who is looking for a personal or organizational development booster.

– Emma Storbacka, CEO, Avaus, 2019

When I started as a manager in Sales Development and Support Services, my own manager proposed individual training to support my transition to a new role. We met with Minna about once a month for six months. We covered everything from my own role, process development, work planning and time usage to the different situations and challenges of management. The most important thing for me in the process was that through training I got support and tools for managing change and my daily management work. I warmly recommend this kind of individual support when transitioning to a managerial role, I benefited much more from this than any group management training.

– Emma Mattila, Development Manager, Mutual Insurance Company Turva, 2022

In the beginning of 2021 we were working hand in hand with Minna. There was a business transfer to take place, which we needed support on, and Minna was recommended for us to partner with. When I think back, we couldn’t have managed so well without Minna. In the end, she was always there and available, ensuring that everything went perfectly. Thank you Minna for the successful change!

– Katri Laatu, Head of Operations, Zalaris, 2022



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