Minna came to LSK for a rapidly changing HR resource situation to take overall responsibility for the LSK Group’s operational personnel. She “jumped on a moving train”, quickly took over the task with a very short orientation, and handled things responsibly and keeping the necessary parties in the organisation informed at all times.

Minna handled current HR issues with confidence and professionalism for eight months. She is quick to take action, is able to create an overall picture and handles matters together with the organisation.

Minna participated in the work of the LSK Group’s management team. In addition to HR tasks, Minna quickly noticed things that we could develop. She built reasoned proposals on these, and following the decisions of the management team, she was responsible for implementing the changes. An example of such an operational development project is the fact that we became a customer of one nationwide occupational health service provider. The change clarified occupational health cooperation, improved the implementation of employee occupational health services and equality, and brought cost savings to LSK.

Minna has strong experience of strategic changes and employee involvement in them. With the help of Minna, our management team got off to a good start with how we can use modern and good-thinking tools to involve all the personnel in the planning and building of LSK’s future. I’m sure we’ll continue to work with Minna.

– Perttu Ryynänen, CEO, LSK Group Oy, 2019